Love and Corruption Download Latest Version
Love and Corruption Download F95Zone Walkthrough + Mod Apk For PC Windows, Mac, Android – you’ll play the role of Kristan Silversword, a young swordsman who is coming to a new life after deep trauma.
Developer: Airell – Patreon – Wiki – Twitter
Censored: No
Version: 0.3.15
OS: Windows, Linux, Android, Mac
Language: English
Average Gameplay: 20 hours
Genre: Vaginal sex, fem dom, male dom, male protagonist, big tits, milf, Fantasy, Combat, Turn based combat, Virgin, Romance, tittyfuck, Pregnancy, Furry, Oral sex, Adventure, Monster girl, TF, Milf, Slavery, magic corruption, trait/personality customization, prostitution, Lactation
Love and Corruption Overview
In Love and Corruption, you’ll play the role of Kristan Silversword, a young swordsman who is coming to a new life after deep trauma. He will need to venture into the world of Aedryll, tasked with cleaning up any traces of corruption he finds.
This game is about exploring a vast world and discovering maps, people, quests, items, stories. But most importantly, romances with all kinds of different women.
Elves, Orcs, Nymphs, Catgirls, Wolfgirls, Bunnygirls, Goblins, Demonesses… Pure cuties that will help you, and corrupt girls that need to be stopped and tamed, and will stand in your way.
Discover hot romances of all kinds, with a lot of interactivity and, of course, profound things like pregnancy and forming a large family with your favorite waifus as you try to deal with an evil far greater than your efforts!
Ver 0.3.15
- Rasha Storyline Reworked/Expanded
- Based on Rasha’s request to start a family, she will go to Skystone
- Polished/Rewritten much of her content, a sizable expansion
- Rasha’s routine at Skystone – Breakfast, spending time on Castle Gardens, and more…
- Reordered/Expanded pregnancy events
- Expanded Interactions
- Preggo. Footjob – Preggo & Non-preggo (Aelrie+)
- Lotus (Aelrie+)
- Missionary (Rewriten)
- New Date Events in Ardass – (Preggo & Non-preggo)
- Bathing Events
- First Bath Cowgirl (Unique)
- Spend Time Together – Preggo & Non-preggo
- Taste the Cherry – Preggo
- Sixtynine – Non-preggo
- Cowgirl – Preggo & Non-preggo
- Wet Thighjob (Aelrie+)
- Yris, Rash’s Firstborn – Reintroduced Rasha’s firstborn, Yris…
- Renee and Lisbeth Threesome Event
- Cherries Flavor
- Lactation Event – If both them are pregnant at same time
- Story Event – Introduction to Skystone portal with Gwen and Evelyn
- Gael Content – Go Out With a Friend – Unique and Repeatable
- Violith Content – New Events and some new dialogues
- New Bedroom – Now, Violith goes to one of the bedrooms after having a deep relationship with Kristan
- Rewritten First Event – Sweet Flower (Unique)
- Rewritten Sweet Cherry (Repeatable)
- Pregnancy/Kiddos New Content
- Now, all our kids are unique, this includes them having unique artwork and content
- Some new artwork added, more to come
- Our girls have 2-3 kiddos each, to allow you to delve deeper into their content/history/artworks
- Devyn Content – New sweet paternal event
- Polishing and massive reorganization of the game – Text-boxes added…
- New Exp Gain Ways – You can earn more experience points in several ways
- Quests – Bonux exp Exp bonus if you complete missions successfully
- Battle Circles – If you win the most challenging fights in the circles, you get a good exp bonus
- Enemies – If the enemies have a higher level than yours or if you beat a group of enemies, you get a 10% bonus for each of them
- Gallery Updated – Monarch tier
- Rasha Events
- Renee and Lisbeth Events
- General Polishing
- New Artworks
- Violith – Sweet Cherry Rework
- Luna New Clothes – Rework/Improved
- Lauryn and Nathan – Lisbeth’s kiddos
- Dillen – Rework
- Kory – Rework
- Yris – Rasha’s Firstborn
- Dyanna – Spending Time Rework (Luna’s preggo variations/new clothes)
- Devyn – Spending Time (Luna’s preggo variations/new clothes)
- Rasha Sweet Flower
- Rasha Lying Together
- Rasha Missionary
- Fertility UI – Leporyn Fertility Set
- Skystone Soldier – Male and Female
- Lisbeth – Lying Together Rework (Preggo and Non-preggo)
Ver 0.3.14 – Changelog
- Renee Storyline Reworked/Expanded
- Based on Renee’s request to start a family, she will go to Skystone
- Polished/Rewritten much of its content, considerable expansion…
- Renee’s routine at Skystone – Breakfast, spending time on library, and so on…
- Rewritten/Expanded pregnancy events
- Expanded Interactions
- Taste the Cherry – Preggo & Non-preggo
- Rewriten First Massage (Boobjob)
- Lotus (Aelrie tier+)
- Foot massage (Aelrie tier+)
- New Date Events – Ardass
- Bathing Events
- First Wet Doggystyle (Unique)
- Spend Time Together – Preggo & Non-preggo
- Wet Doggystyle – Preggo & Non-preggo
- Thigh massage (Aelrie tier+)
- Wet Flowet Flavor – Preggo & Non-preggo
- Renee and Lisbeth threesome line added – If have Renee and Lisbeth
- You can have Lisbeth and Renee living together if you have a king size bed
- Need both girls in Skystone, have accepted the request to have children from both, and love from both 100
- Introductory events, general conversations/routine, plus pregnancy variations
- Special dating event together (Unique and repeatable)
- Sex Interactions
- Threesome interactions are huge, and have slight variations depending on each girl’s pregnancy
- First Three Lovenight (Unique)
- Cowgirls Night
- Dual Foot massage (Aelrie tier+)
- Sex System – Threesome plus sweet variations
- Small Rework/Expansion of Intro Skills and Background
- New Skill – Tempest Slash
- Polished Pasts
- Added Favorite Elementals – Little Battle Bonus
- Special thanks to SilverMaxy!
- Luna New Events
- Cowgirl – Preggo & Non-preggo (Aelrie tier+)
- Taste the Cherry (Rewriten)
- Some sweet variations for threesomes
- Katherine New Events – Boobjob (Aelrie tier+)
- Small quest reordering, Protecting Skystone happens before Helping Fellise – Everything should be ok, but starting a new save is always better
- Rewritten Ghorza Introduction at Skystone (Story related…)
- Expanded and Polished Sex System
- Adaptation to Threesomes (Generic servants and specific unique girls threesomes)
- General UI and code polishing
- Some sweet variations for threesomes
- Added Musics Functionality
- A small list of musics for each map and situation – 10 musics for now
- Volume controls in game options
- Special thanks to the contributors in the game credits
- Interactions with Gael and your soldiers in Skystone
- First training together with Gael (Unique)
- You can train with them, or chat with Gael (With special rewards)
- Gallery updated – Monarch tier
- Luna Events
- Renee Events
- Katherine Events
- New Artworks
- Renee and Lisbeth Cowgirl Threesome Artwork – Dual variations plus preggo
- Reworked Lisbeth Date Artwork
- Reworked Ruby Spending Time Artwork
- Reworked Luna Cherry Flavor Artwork
- Renee – Lying Together – Preggo & Nong-preggo
- Renee – Ardass Date Variation
- Renee – New Clothes
- Renee – Taste the Cherry – Preggo & Non-preggo
- Reworked Renelis Missionary Artwork
- Added Elves Fertility Artwork Set
Ver 0.3.13 Changelog
- Astana Storyline Expanded
- New routine for Astana living in Skystone – Training, Dating, Breakfast, Sex events…
- New romance quest for Astana in Argekh – Astana Heart
- Expanded her interactions
- First Scratchy Lotus – Romance Quest Related (Unique)
- Fluffy Thighjob (Aelrie tier+)
- Scratchy Lotus (Aelrie tier+)
- Missionary
- Cowgirl
- Sex System – With unique variations…
- Morning Needy Cowgirl
- Bathing Events
- First Doggybath (Unique)
- Spend Time Together – Sweet… And Scratchy…
- Wet Tittyjob (Aelrie tier+)
- Warm Footjob
- Wet Doggystyle
- Training Together at Skystone
- Dating Events – Forest Date (Unique and repeatable)
- Introduction with Agatha – If Agatha is living in Skystone and has a strong enough relationship with Kristan
- Luna New Events
- New Dating Events – Grey Forest Dates (Unique and Repeatable)
- Preggo Footjob (Aelrie tier+)
- Footjob (Aelrie tier+)
- Wet Thighjob – Bath Chambers (Aelrie tier+)
- Removed sexual interactions with hostile/generic girls – For game coherence
- Compressed game images/artworks greatly, must maintain good quality
- Completely polished the game’s UI, heavy change
- Reworked Reagents System/UI, pretty polished now…
- Gharol, Radasha, Shelana, and Moggana events dynamics polished
- For the coherence of the game and aiming for future new content, you can reserve the girls just for you, for a price
- Gharol’s dialogues and events polished a bit
- Girls’ dialogues and events polished a bit
- Gallery updated – Monarch tier
- Astana events
- Luna events
- New artworks added
- Astana – New Clothes
- Astana – Dating at Forest
- Luna – Artwork Rework
- Gharol – Lovely Missionary
- Astana – Lying Together
- Astana – Missionary
- Luna – Bath Boobjob
- Lyrith – Sweet Bathing
- Reagents Artworks – All added
- Orc Sex System – Womb/Fertility Artwork
- Gnoll Sex System – Womb Artwork
- Lots more polishing throughout the game… If you see any new content not listed here, it’s something I probably forgot to mention…
Ver 0.3.12 Changelog
- Luelle Storyline Expanded
- Added Luelle’s home, her routine, and new dialogues
- Expanded her route
- First dating and Repeatable Dating events
- Argekh Harvest Festival Event – Big event, many scenes there
- Tasting the Lily
- Loving Missionary
- Wildy Doggystyle
- Sixtynine
- Taste the Lily
- Footjob (Aelrie tier+)
- Some dialogues and new events – With Lara, Luelle’s best friend, and Esmeth.
- Lyrith New Events
- New Dating Events – Forest special datings (Lovely and sappy…)
- Flowery Lotus (Aelrie tier+)
- New Bathing Events – After she receives Gwen’s nature pendant
- First Wet Cowgirl (Unique)
- Footjob (Aelrie tier+)
- Sixtynine
- Cowgirl
- Goblin Slavers Reworked – Old writing, needed to be rewritten, and this is done…
- Be Served
- Doggystyle
- Some cheaty flavor, I like adding little “epilogues” for these events…
- Luna Content – Rewritten first event at bath chambers (Boobjob)
- Polished effects system, new ones added
- Singing Effect – Wild Elves and Alraunes, part of their lore… Powerful effect
- Polished and expanded milk effects for each breed, including unique descriptions
- Alraunes’ sap has a special effect…
- Added some images to the maps, a little test to see how this will look
- Gallery updated – Monarch tier
- Luelle events
- Lyrith events
- Goblin Slaver Female new events
- Codex Updated – Lots of polish and adjustments
- Luelle events
- Lyrith events
- Goblin Slaver Female new events
- New artworks added
- Luelle – Missionary
- Lyrith – Sweet Lotus (New angle)
- Lyrith – Nature bracelet variation
- Gwen – Dating at Forest
- Herer – Character Artwork
- Ammelie – Character Artwork Rework
- Agatha – Bath Boobjob
- Ruby – Sweet Chibby
- Tons of text polish, code and adjustments. I have the feeling that I forgot to add something to the changelog…
Version 0.3.11 Changelog!
- Syrin Storyline Expanded
- Added Syrin’s home, her routine, and new dialogues
- Expanded her route
- Damned Love – Unique and special event
- Lotus (Aelrie+)
- Thighjob (Aelrie+)
- Doggystyle
- Missionary
- Sex system with unique variations
- Morning Doggystyle
- Bath Events
- Spend time together
- Wet & Warm Footjob
- Evelyn New Events
- New Dating Events – Forest special datings
- New events
- Wild Footjob (Aelrie+)
- Wet Thighjob (Aelrie+)
- Reworked Game UI – New icons, styling and layout, and various polishes… Much prettier than before
- Expanded First Call Mission – Received some good additions and a bit of a rework
- Expanded Usanna’s Camp with 2 new tasks and new dialogues
- General polishing…
- Suggestion from Yotetar
- Expanded Skystone Rescue Mission – Received a good expansion…
- Reworked and expanded with a special quest in Skystone Forest before heading to the castle
- Reworked the events with Aldwyn for better story sense and clarity
- Gwen will help you on this mission…
- Complete reintroduction of Selena, now she has a renewed story and will be in Skystone soonish… (If you claim her…)
- Suggestion from Yotetar too
- Expanded Helping Fellise Mission – Small change in combat against Aketh, Ellaryel will help you with this…
- Gallery updated – Monarch tier
- Evelyn events
- Syrin events
- Goblin Slaver Female events
- UI rework, for prettiness!
- New artworks added
- Syrin – Doggystyle POV
- Evelyn – Wet Thighjob
- Violith – Lying Together
- Audric – Character Artwork
- Edakh – Character Artwork
- Devery – Character Artwork
- Vedetta – Character Artwork
- Darren – Character Artwork
- Sex History – Womb, vagina, and eggs/fetus artworks for Felisians, Lupines, Cyaris, and Edayns
- Extract
- Play the game
Love and Corruption Download